A cipa assay model is used to identify compounds that have proarrhythmic risk using a more mechanistic approach than the current hERG paradigm. This new method uses multiple ion channels, in silico modelling and whole cell effects to assess drug impact on a cellular basis. Here is some more information on the Cipa Assay model:
Human iPSC-Derived Cardiomyocytes
HiPSC-derived cardiomyocytes are a valuable tool for cardiovascular disease modeling as they avoid the ethical challenges associated with human embryonic stem cell models. They also have a significant advantage over primary cells as they can be continuously produced to provide an unlimited supply of terminally differentiated cells.
To address these challenges and improve the utility of hiPSC-CMs in drug discovery and regulatory submissions, a pilot study was carried out to evaluate the electrophysiologic effects of 8 blinded drugs on 4 different hiPSC-CMs lines using a standardized protocol across MEA platforms and performance sites (18 individual studies).
Electrophysiological Assays
Electrophysiology is the study of the electrical activity of cells, tissues, organs and systems. It can be done at a single-cell level, or it can be performed at a much larger scale with simultaneous measurements from hundreds of cells.
During an EP study, your doctor may insert small wire electrodes into a vein in your groin or neck. These electrodes then thread through your heart to measure electrical signals in your heart.
Your doctor may also use a special type of X-ray film called fluoroscopy to see the electrical signals in your heart. This may help the doctor find out what is causing your abnormal heart rhythm.

Virtual Assays
The Virtual Assay software is an in silico tool for conducting in-vitro drug trials using populations of human cardiac cell models. This enables predictions of drug safety and efficacy in humans by reducing the number of animals used in research (Fig. 3).
The software is based on the ‘population of models’ methodology, where cellular properties of human control populations are calibrated with experimental data, but new ones can also be created if needed. A pore-block drug model – describing the effects of tested drugs on cardiac ion channels of interest – is then used to simulate the populations of tested drugs, at various concentrations, at different times.
Clyde Biosciences is a Glasgow-based life science company that develops the CellOPTIQ optical action potential assay to assess cardiotoxicity risk in new drugs. The technology is already being used by several of the world’s top pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies to improve their drug testing processes.
The CellOPTIQ enables a wide range of physiologically relevant metrics to be measured in a single experiment, allowing rapid data analysis and assay throughput. The platform also offers the ability to simultaneously measure three key parameters (voltage, intra-cellular calcium and cardiac cell contraction) for maximum flexibility and accuracy.